Committee Mission: To oversee the financial operations of the parish; review monthly Treasurer’s reports; make recommendations to the Vestry and Rector concerning financial matters and compile the annual budget.
Committee Chair: Tess Judge
In 2024, All Saints pledge income was 95% of budget and loose plate was 91% of budgeted for loose plate. Donations from non-pledge parishioners were significantly greater than budgeted at 140% and our expenses were under budget by 18% due to rector vacancy for 9 months in 2024. Our pledge income for 2024 was $17,747.00 less than budgeted. This occurred due to a parishioner leaving the church and the area.
We thank our Stewardship Committee for their work this year. We have 81 individuals and families making a pledge commitment to All Saints for 2025. The budget projections are $332,624.00 for 2025 pledges.
To maintain the aging buildings, we are allocating $2,000.00 monthly to the Building Contingency fund. In 2024, we had expenses to install a railing on the entrance from ADA parking spaces at the cost of $4,826.00. We also replaced a water cooler and some electrical lighting in the parking lot. We continue to be appreciative of Debbie Lubelski for all her work in refreshing the plants throughout our landscaping beds. We are also grateful to Rob Holmes and Susan Smith, our Junior Wardens, who have worked to maintain the building, office, and grounds with the oversight of Lynn Usher.
All Saints had an amazing year again in 2024 as our Servant Ministry Committee, through Holly Days and After Dark, gave back to the community in outreach. This is outstanding for our church, and we call your attention to the Servant Ministry report provided in the Annual Report for 2024 for further details on this tremendous outreach. We are grateful to our parishioners for all their many hours of volunteer work that have made this possible.
In March of 2024 began a year of transition for All Saints. We began a search for a new rector. We are grateful to Evelyne Ottavio, Steve and Sally Hotchkiss and Christina Atkinson for providing lodging and hospitality to our supply ministers for the last 9 months while we were in the search process. This certainly was a helpful gift in containing search expenses. Accordingly, our search expenses were well below projections at $3,009.00. We are all excited and looking forward to welcoming the Reverend Thomas Drake as our new rector.
All Saint’s is grateful to our parishioners for their continued faithfulness and financial support!