Committee Mission: To oversee the financial operations of the parish; review monthly Treasurer’s reports; make recommendations to the Vestry and Rector concerning financial matters and compile the annual budget.
Committee Chair: Tess Judge
In 2023, All Saints income was 96% of budget and loose plate was 130% of what was budgeted for loose plate offering. Donations from non-pledge parishioners were significantly greater than budgeted and our expenses were under budget by 3%. Our pledge income for 2023 was $1,768.00 less than budgeted.
We thank our Stewardship Committee for their work this year. We have 84 individuals and families making a pledge commitment to All Saints for 2024. We are pleased to report that we are still receiving pledges for 2024. The budget projections are $325,000.00 for 2024 pledges.
In continuance of maintaining the aging buildings, we are allocating $2,000.00 monthly to the Building Contingency fund. In 2023, we had significant expenses to repair exterior decks at the Administration/Education building. We also replaced the large hot water heater in the Sanctuary Building. We continued the replacement with the LED lights that began in 2022. In 2023, we also had a significant expense for ground clean-up of plants and mulching. We wish to thank Debbie Lubelski for all her work in refreshing plants throughout our landscaping beds. We also thank Lynn Usher, Junior Warden for his tireless work in 2023 in keeping our buildings and grounds maintained. As this building ages, it takes many hours on behalf of our Junior Warden to keep everything maintained. All Saints in 2023, had an amazing year as our Servant Ministry Committee through Holly Days and After Dark gave back to the community in outreach an excess of $47,000.00. This is phenomenal for our church. We call your attention to the Servant Ministry report that is provided in the Annual Report for 2023 for further detail on this tremendous outreach. We are grateful to our parishioners for all their many hours of volunteer work to make this possible.
All Saints are grateful to our parishioners for their continued faithfulness and financial support!