Committee Mission:
Invite Welcome Connect ministry/committee (IWC) helps connect our existing Church members and of course invites new members. We have Greeters who welcome folks as they approach the Gazebo each Sunday at each service. Visitors are encouraged to give us their contact info and asked to sign up for the newsletter. Visitors are given a name tag, welcomed to our service and to coffee hour after the service. We have at least two Newcomer’s events each year. We have the spring Newcomers brunch after Church. In the fall, we have our largest event which is a Bar B Que held at a member’s home and Newcomers as well as the entire church are invited to socialize and connect. In addition, IWC supports other ministries events.
- Visitors List
- Welcome Bags
- Spring Brunch
- Fall Bar B Que
- Bulletin Boards
- Other Events such as Pridefest and Holly Days
- ASEC mugs and pens
- Postcards for Holidays
- Postcards for After Dark
- Book Club