For Pastoral matters please contact Rev. Tommy C. Drake. (252) 261-6674.
The Pastoral Care Committee can provide the services listed below. Most are temporary, during times of crisis, illness or other needs. Some may be longer term such as cards, visits from Clergy, LEMs (Lay Eucharist Ministers), etc.
Pastoral Care coordinator- Róisín McKeithan, text (757) 286-2295
Meals- coordinator Jennifer Adams-Falconer, c (252) 207-8701
Prayer Shawl- coordinator Ann Laughner, h 255-1789, c (757) 651-4771
Cards- coordinator Hilary Klein, (252) 715-3276
Transportation- coordinator Tim McKeithan, text (757)- 672-3045
Home/Hospital visits by clergy, LEMs – coordinator Rev. Tommy C. Drake
If a parishioner is aware of another who has pastoral needs, please check with them and let one of us know as appropriate.
If you have any questions about the above or are interested in joining our team, you may call any of the coordinators above or text Róisín at (757) 286-2295.
Asking for Prayers at All Saints
There are 2 main ways to ask for prayers for oneself or for another.
Prayer Chain (Telephone Chain for quick response)
There are a group of parishioners who volunteer to pray confidentially at home for us. One can request these confidential prayers any time through the Prayer Chain.
To start the Prayer Chain call or email the church office as below or one of the Prayer Chain leaders and give the name(s) of person to be prayed for, a summary (as appropriate) of the concern and desired prayers.
Ann Laughner- h 255-1789, c (757) 651-4771, Sara Munford- (252) 714-1302, They will call those next on chain and soon all will be praying for your concerns.
Prayers of the People
As a congregation we pray for those whose names have been placed on the list for Prayers of the People. This may be for a short-term need (a week or a month or so) or for more long-term need. To be placed on the list, please call the church office (252) 261-6674